The Acappella/Audio Version of "Le Cri de Mon Ame..." and Some of the Favorite Sunday Morning and Evening Praise and Worship Hymns

Le cri de mon âme

S'élève vers toi.

Elle te réclame,

Jésus, pour son Roi.

Ton joug est facile,

Ton fardeau léger;

Sur mon coeur docile

Règne, ô bon berger!

Trop longtemps, le monde

trompat mes désirs.

Changeants comme l'onde

Sont tous ses plaisirs.

Sa joie est frivole,

Tout est vanité;

Seule, ta parole est la vérité.

Parole éternelle,

O Chirst rédempteur,

Prends moi sous ton aile,

Habite en mon coeur.

Dans la nuit profonde,

Tiens moi par la main;

Lumière du monde,

Luis sur mon chemin

Source de l'eau vive,

Pain venu des cieux,

Que par toi je vive

Paisible et joyeux!

Quand luira l'aurore

Du jour éternel,

Que je vive encore

Pour toi, dans le ciel!

(Chant d'Esperance Hymn as compiled by Youth Pastor Marcel Dubois in "Most Favorite Sunday Morning and Evening Services Songs)

Find copies of the ebook Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life with this link

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The Most Popular French and Haitian Creole Hymns Sung on Sunday Morning and Evening Services According to


Choir Director and Pastor Marcel Dubois' most recent project culminates in the compilation of the most popular hymns sung by Haitian / American / French churches during Sunday morning and evening services. He wants to thank all the ministers, faithful, and music directors of these churches and congregations that had sent their programs to him for the duration of this project. They believed in this project. And they wanted to see its success. Pastor Dubois hopes that this compilation is going to benefit many church members. Just like you, he believes in the power of music to help you praise and worship God.

Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange -- posted at: 10:11am PDT

Marcel D. Dubois's Most Popular, Most Sung Hymns Compilation

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

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Book Review:

"Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life For Your e-readers: Haitian/Canadian /American/French Churches’ Most Sung Hymns On Sunday Morning and Evening Services - Chants D’Espérance Français et Créoles for your e-readers" is a labor of love compiled by Youth Pastor and Choir Director, Marcel D. Dubois, who worked with many churches and Christian brothers and sisters from Boston to New York, from Haiti to Canada, from the Caribbean region to France and elsewhere. He wants to thank each one of you for sending your Sunday morning and evening programs to him. Thanks to your contributions, he has been able to come up with the most popular, the most sung hymns from the Chants d'Esperance Francais and Creoles. This book is for you. He hopes you can use it to praise and worship HIM!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Purchase a copy of "Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life..." from AmazonKindle now

If you want to contribute to this survey, you can leave your feedback and comments below. "Tell us which hymn is the most sung on Sunday morning or evening services. Tell us Why"

Choir Director Marcel Dubois would like to find out.

Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange -- posted at: 1:29am PDT

Numéro 28 des Chants d’Espérance

Numéro 28 des Chants d’Espérance - Mon seul appui, c’est l’Ami Céleste, Jésus seul! Jésus seul!


Mon seul appui, c’est l’Ami Céleste,

Jésus seul! Jésus seul!

Les ans s’en vont, cet Ami me reste,

Jésus seul! Jésus seul!


Cet Ami connaît mes alarmes

Son amour guérit ma douleur;

Sa main essuie toutes mes larmes

Doux Sauveur! Doux Sauveur!


Tout mon désir, c’est de le connaître,

Jésus seul! Jésus seul!

Et que sa paix remplisse mon être, Jésus seul! Jésus seul!


Dans le danger, toujours Il me garde,

Jésus seul! Jésus seul!

Dans mes soucis, à Lui je regarde,

Jésus seul! Jésus seul!

If you are interested in singing Haitian Creole songs, you can get a copy of "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs" here.

Pastor Marcel D. Dubois compiled this list of Haitian Creole songs for and his Brooklyn-based congregation. Mr. Dubois is a Youth Ministry pastor at a Brooklyn church that serves a diverse group of christians, including Haitians, Jamaicans, and various other Caribbean countries. If you are interested in singing Haitian Creole songs, you can get a copy of "Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs" here. Chants d’adoration et de Louange Créoles - Haitian Creole Worship and Praise Songs - Chan Adorasyon ak Louwanj Kreyo Purchase a PDF copy of these songs right here with your Paypal account:

Here is a summary of the songs you are going to find here: 95 Chandesperans: Mouin Pito Gin Jezu Pase Gro Lajan 100 Chan Desperans: Lè Jezu mouri sou kalvè No. 20 Kreyol Chandesperans: Gnou jou ma suspann chante-m yo 55 Chan Déspérans Kréyòl: Sa-k kapab lave péché-m? Niméwo 45 – Echos Des Elus: Min pa kapab blié ki koté-m té yé 17 Kreyol Chandesperans: 17 Creole Chants D'esperance: Mouin biin Kontan Ke Papa Mouin nan Sièl 94 Chan Desperans: Mouin ta vle di ou sa Jezu fè pou kè mouin 99 ChanDesperans: Mouin Vle Rakonte Toupatou 99 Chandesperans: Mouin Tap Neye Nan Peche 92 Chandesperans: Map Travay Pou Jezu Nan Vouayaj Mouin 98 Chandesperans: Ou Pa Bezouin Gin Krint ni Pè 74 Chandesperans: A la Gnon Zanmi Se Jezu 5 Chandesperans Kreyol: Moun Ki Mete Nan Jezu 13 Chandesperans Kreyol: Lè n-ap mache ak Dieu nan lumyè pawòl li etc...etc. Free Sample of Haitian Creole Songs Accappela Koute yon ti bout chant: Escuchen aqui: Listen to a sample here

Here is a review of this book: "Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory... is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on It is the web site users' and authors' selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d'esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" -"Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ," "Quel Repos, Quel Repos" - "It is Well, It is Well...," etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole..."

Sing along with Haitian Children! Canten con los chicos Haitianos. This compilation is for those who want to sing along with Haitian Children at christian venues, outreach mission trips, schools, churches and elsewhere. Some of the songs are short choruses... Start playing some of these choruses on your guitar or piano and the Haitian children will follow you. They will sing with you. All throughout the country, these songs are are sung in most churches or revival centers. These are songs I used to sing with the children of my Sunday school class. L'ecole du Dimanche or Sunday school can be a lot of fun with the right selection of songs. Just in case you are interested in having more songs, here is a new book of choruses, short Haitian hymns, Lullaby and Play songs published on this link: Ala Ou Gran! Ala Ou Gran! How great thou art! How great thou art! Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Lullaby, Haitian Creole and French Church Hymns, and Other Play Songs

You can purchase this book from Barnes and Noble's PubIt now

You can buy this book at Amazon Kindle Store now

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD

Product ID: 3064 Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope Buy Now From CCNow or Quantity Product ID: 3068 Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs Buy Now From CCNow or Quantity Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange -- posted at: 8:50am PDT




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