French ebook and Notes for English Speakers

VoiciVoilaBonjourFrench Lesson Episode 2

Les membres de la famille, family members, the days of the week, les jours de la semaine, les couleurs, the colors, les saisons, the seasons etc

Alphabetical Vocabulary starts with à - in, to, at; mots nouveaux, new words

Direct download: FrenchLessonEpisode2-FamilySeasonsColors.mp3
Category:French Lesssons -- posted at: 12:11pm PDT

Le Téléphone (telephone): Mauvais Numéro (Wrong number), J’entends mal (I have a bad communication).

<p>Un Problème avec le téléphone (a problem with the phone). On nous a coupés (we get disconnected).

<p>Mon frère me telephone le matin. Comme je ne suis pas à la maison, je lui telephone le soir (my brother calls me in the morning.

<p>As I am not at home, I call him in the afternoon.) Exemples de compléments d’objet direct vs. Compléments d’objet indirect (Examples of Direct Object vs. Indirect Object)

<p>Liste des pronoms personnels compléments d’objet indirect (me, vous, te, lui, nous, vous, leur). Exemples: Ma mère me téléphone tous les jours. Je lui téléphone tous les soirs.

<p>Jeanine me donne un cadeau très cher. Je lui donne des fleurs et une petite bicyclette. (Jeanine gives me a very expensive gift. I give her flowers and a small bicycle.) Y pronoun replaces the name of a thing (Le pronom y remplace un nom de chose).

<p>Buy your textbook from Amazon and Lulu</p>

<p><a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1393620970&amp;sr=1-10">French for English and Creole Speakers</a></p>

<p><a href="">Purchase a copy of 'French for English and Creole Speakers from Lulu</a></p>

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Direct download: Feb2014FrenchLesson-Telephone-communication.mp3
Category:French Lesssons -- posted at: 9:49pm PDT

The first French lesson podcast is now available at French Lessons Podcast.

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Direct download: intro-french.mp3
Category:French Lesssons -- posted at: 2:54am PDT

French Greetings: Salut. Comment Ca Va? Ca va. Quoi de neuf? Pas grand chose.

French Lesson Podcast #1 is about greetings in French. You will learn some new expressions and how to pronounce u. Remember to purse your lips to say u. Get ready to pronounce it as if you are going to make a circle. You will find out how every French object or noun is either masculine or feminine.

In this first lesson, you will learn to place an order at a French Cafe or a restaurant. Politeness or La Politesse is encouraged with S'il vous plait. Positive attitude and goodwill are also encouraged with words such as Volontiers, avec plaisir etc. A garcon (there is a sign under the c which makes it pronounce like "s." In French, it's a cedille) is a boy. But it is how you refer to a waiter at a cafe. You will learn about words and expressions such as Voila, N'est-ce pas, De rien, Au revoir, and a bientot etc. Now, you may wonder why French people kiss each other on the cheek. They kiss their best friends, not strangers.

Category:French Lesssons -- posted at: 4:13am PDT




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