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If you thought E.L James's 'Fifty Shades Trilogy' was hot, then think again!

Kandy Belle's book: Tropics Romance Trilogy (TRT): Lonely Rich Tourist Women Seek Revenge, Meet Sexy Beach Boys and Paradise Gods: Tropics Romance Trilogy

Book Review

This romance novel series 'Tropics Romance Trilogy or TRT' promises to be riveting. Author Kandy Belle empowers lonely western women to seek and create their own happiness. Rejected in their own culture for being too old, too fat, unattractive, and too ugly despite all their beauty products, nips and tucks, these women take it upon themselves to get out and travel to meet accepting and willing men of another culture who can provide them with the healing sugar or the new elexir. Many of these women are successful business women and entrepreneurs who broke through the glass ceiling by creating great businesses in corporate america. Now that they've reached the peak of the summit and have been considered the epitome of success by any other means, they are making time to seek sensual, erotic pleasures on the best, pricey all-inclusive beach hotel resorts spread over many Caribbean and Latin American countries. Without any financial stress and kids to tie them down, they are up and about in their search for rejuvenation and pleasure for pleasure's sake.

Author Kandy Belle invites you to follow the adventures of these three lonely but brave women on the beaches of the Caribbean, extending from Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and all the way to Brazil. Throughout 'Tropics Romance Trilogy,' author Kandy Belle has done a great job of showing that three women (Magna, Deanna, and Martina)are not ready to accept their American males' condemnation and blatant rejection. For them, it's about people's most basic need to connect, express and feel through sexuality. These women will reconsider the notions of love, attraction, the mating dance, and the challenges of keeping up with societal norms.

Enjoy your reading of this trilogy that could be titled 'Lonely Rich Western Women Hit the Tropics.' And why not them now? Men, European or western men, have done it for centuries.

Here is where you can find my friend's new book:

Kandy Belle's book: Tropics Romance Trilogy: Lonely Rich Tourist Women Seek Revenge,Meet Beach Boys and Paradise Gods: Tropics Romance Trilogy

Category:Tropics Romance Trilogy - Fiction - Travel Romance -- posted at: 1:14am PDT

la Fièvre de la Vallée Centrale

Un bon ebook sur la Fièvre de la Vallée ou Cocci.  C’est le secret bien caché du sol Californien, spécifiquement la Californie Centrale qui va de Bakersfield jusqu’à Modesto. Cette section s’appelle aussi la Vallée de San Joaquin. Il vous suffit de respirer pour attraper cette infection causée par un fungus. Si vous avez visité Californie, il se peut que vous vous trouviez nez à nez avec le fungus, cocci. Cet ebook vous met en garde contre les symptomes et les precautions que vous devez prendre pour eviter cette maladie terrible. La fièvre de la Vallée peut être fatale si la maladie n'est pas diagnostiquée à temps. Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air..."

Recognize the symptoms of Valley Fever so your doctor can diagnose it early and provide you with the appropriate treatment.

Children and parents do not need to spend days, weeks, and months without a proper diagnosis from their physicians. Valley Fever is here to stay in California. We'd better recognize its symptoms for prompt treatment.

Think again if you thought you only had the flu. You get tired easily. You have joint pain. You are lousy for weeks. You may have come down with something worse. You did not have to do anything other than breathe while you were living, vacationing or visiting California. What did you know about the bountiful region called the San Joaquin Valley? It is the fruit mecca of the world. The soil is very fertile but it hosts a terrible fungus, cocci. This ebook gives you a list of the symptoms of the disease to help you and your doctors diagnose it at an early stage. Misdiagnosis is a common problem here and elsewhere. Many physicians are not familiar with the disease.

The ebook's title is: " Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air! - Living and Thriving with Valley Fever; California and Arizona Cocci Secrets Revealed."

Here is what has been saying about Valley Fever. Understand Valley Fever's symptoms and treatment costs with this new ebook which is a Valley Fever survivor's testimony

The ebook's title is: " Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air! - Living and Thriving with Valley Fever; California and Arizona Cocci Secrets Revealed."

Category:Valley Fever -- posted at: 11:07am PDT

Rodriguez's Organic Rise to Rock and Roll - After 40 Years of Lost Royalties, He Finds Fans:  "Fleeting is Fame," he once said

Answering a question asked by a journalist over the lack of royalties Rodriguez has not received for over 40 years, he replied, "“Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on somebody you don’t like..."

You can purchase a copy of this ebook right here: Sixto Diaz Rodriguez's Philosophy: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness

Rodriguez writes and sings about some universal themes. Most importantly, he writes about the subjects any Detroiter or any resident of Michigan can relate to. He writes about the people who inhabit his surroundings. Just like Philip Levine's body of works, Rodriguez writes about the working-class Detroit and the motif of the heartland. Rodriguez's songs are timeless and insightful. They are about drugs, love, lust, power, human frailty, greed, the rich and poor, the cry of children, the oppressed and the oppressor. No wonder that his music made him as popular if not more popular than Elvis, Dylan, and the Beatles put together in places such as South Africa and Australia. Rodriguez is the true example of the man who is not recognized by his own people but is made hero in another culture or beyond his own borders. He is a genius. A giant. A superhero anywhere else but his own country.

Thanks to Steven Sergeman and the South African fans!

Thanks to Malik Bendjelloul for Searching for Sugar Man!

The PDF copy of this ebook is available below:

Book Review

"Sixto Diaz Rodriguez’s Philosophy: Rodriguez’s eBook Guide to Happiness" is about the man, the legend, and the genius who was not aware of his Rock and Roll fame in other parts of the world. It is about Jesus Rodriguez. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez, the folk musician from Detroit, Michigan who has been given a rebirth thanks to the efforts of two South Africans who launched a search party to find out what happened to their favorite singer and song-writer. Rodriguez, as he prefers to be called now, produced two albums, Cold Fact and Coming From Reality, respectively in 1971 and 1972. They received rave reviews, but they did not sell enough copies. Bootleggers managed to take copies to South Africa and Australia where Rodriguez has had a huge following. He did not know about his popularity on those shores. He was busy demolishing and remodeling homes in the United States to make a living. Music was not paying his bills. The release of this movie/documentary "Searching for Sugar Man" was going to change. As they say, the rest is music history!

Category:Rodriguez's Rise to Rock and Roll -- posted at: 3:38pm PDT

"Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Dlo Nan Je – Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without Tears" is written to simplify the teaching and learning of Haitian Creole and English. This book / ebook will provide you with ready-to-use expressions and phrases in both languages. It will get you familiar with the structures and phraseology of both Haitian Creole and English. Those who want to vacation in Haiti and the United States will find context-based dialogues and conversations. Short-term missionaries, vacationers, and volunteers will enjoy the tools and supplies section of the book.

Listen to a Free Sample audio of this ebook right here:Sample Audio of "Ann Pale Kreyol san Dlo nan Je.

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You can purchase a copy of this ebook right on this page on KDP now

Purchase a PDF Copy of "Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Dlo Nan Je – Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without Tears"

Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Traka; Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without any Puzzles; Ann Pale Kreyòl san Tèt Chaje; Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Kè Sere; Let’s Speak HC and English without a Tightened Heart

Find additional information at,, and

Category:Ann Pale Kreyol Audio - Parlons le Creole -- posted at: 1:30pm PDT




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