Sun, 15 July 2012
Le cri de mon âme S'élève vers toi. Elle te réclame, Jésus, pour son Roi. Ton joug est facile, Ton fardeau léger; Sur mon coeur docile Règne, ô bon berger! Trop longtemps, le monde trompat mes désirs. Changeants comme l'onde Sont tous ses plaisirs. Sa joie est frivole, Tout est vanité; Seule, ta parole est la vérité. Parole éternelle, O Chirst rédempteur, Prends moi sous ton aile, Habite en mon coeur. Dans la nuit profonde, Tiens moi par la main; Lumière du monde, Luis sur mon chemin Source de l'eau vive, Pain venu des cieux, Que par toi je vive Paisible et joyeux! Quand luira l'aurore Du jour éternel, Que je vive encore Pour toi, dans le ciel! (Chant d'Esperance Hymn as compiled by Youth Pastor Marcel Dubois in "Most Favorite Sunday Morning and Evening Services Songs) Find copies of the ebook Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life with this link Purchase a soft cover copy of "Sing, Chantez, Canten, Chante: Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life.." now The Most Popular French and Haitian Creole Hymns Sung on Sunday Morning and Evening Services According to Review: Choir Director and Pastor Marcel Dubois' most recent project culminates in the compilation of the most popular hymns sung by Haitian / American / French churches during Sunday morning and evening services. He wants to thank all the ministers, faithful, and music directors of these churches and congregations that had sent their programs to him for the duration of this project. They believed in this project. And they wanted to see its success. Pastor Dubois hopes that this compilation is going to benefit many church members. Just like you, he believes in the power of music to help you praise and worship God.
Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange
-- posted at: 10:11am PST
Sat, 14 July 2012
Find copies of the ebook Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life with this link Purchase a soft cover copy of "Sing, Chantez, Canten, Chante: Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life.." now The Most Popular French and Haitian Creole Hymns Sung on Sunday Morning and Evening Services According to Review: Choir Director and Pastor Marcel Dubois' most recent project culminates in the compilation of the most popular hymns sung by Haitian / American / French churches during Sunday morning and evening services. He wants to thank all the ministers, faithful, and music directors of these churches and congregations that had sent their programs to him for the duration of this project. They believed in this project. And they wanted to see its success. Pastor Dubois hopes that this compilation is going to benefit many church members. Just like you, he believes in the power of music to help you praise and worship God.
Category:Church Hymns and Children's Choruses
-- posted at: 11:37am PST