Sun, 21 October 2012
la Fièvre de la Vallée Centrale Un bon ebook sur la Fièvre de la Vallée ou Cocci. C’est le secret bien caché du sol Californien, spécifiquement la Californie Centrale qui va de Bakersfield jusqu’à Modesto. Cette section s’appelle aussi la Vallée de San Joaquin. Il vous suffit de respirer pour attraper cette infection causée par un fungus. Si vous avez visité Californie, il se peut que vous vous trouviez nez à nez avec le fungus, cocci. Cet ebook vous met en garde contre les symptomes et les precautions que vous devez prendre pour eviter cette maladie terrible. La fièvre de la Vallée peut être fatale si la maladie n'est pas diagnostiquée à temps. Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air..." Children and parents do not need to spend days, weeks, and months without a proper diagnosis from their physicians. Valley Fever is here to stay in California. We'd better recognize its symptoms for prompt treatment. Think again if you thought you only had the flu. You get tired easily. You have joint pain. You are lousy for weeks. You may have come down with something worse. You did not have to do anything other than breathe while you were living, vacationing or visiting California. What did you know about the bountiful region called the San Joaquin Valley? It is the fruit mecca of the world. The soil is very fertile but it hosts a terrible fungus, cocci. This ebook gives you a list of the symptoms of the disease to help you and your doctors diagnose it at an early stage. Misdiagnosis is a common problem here and elsewhere. Many physicians are not familiar with the disease. The ebook's title is: " Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air! - Living and Thriving with Valley Fever; California and Arizona Cocci Secrets Revealed." Here is what has been saying about Valley Fever. Understand Valley Fever's symptoms and treatment costs with this new ebook which is a Valley Fever survivor's testimony The ebook's title is: " Beating Valley Fever Epidemic: It's in the Air! - Living and Thriving with Valley Fever; California and Arizona Cocci Secrets Revealed."
Category:Valley Fever
-- posted at: 11:07am PST