Rodriguez's Organic Rise to Rock and Roll - After 40 Years of Lost Royalties, He Finds Fans:  "Fleeting is Fame," he once said

Answering a question asked by a journalist over the lack of royalties Rodriguez has not received for over 40 years, he replied, "“Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on somebody you don’t like..."

You can purchase a copy of this ebook right here: Sixto Diaz Rodriguez's Philosophy: Rodriguez's eBook Guide to Happiness

Rodriguez writes and sings about some universal themes. Most importantly, he writes about the subjects any Detroiter or any resident of Michigan can relate to. He writes about the people who inhabit his surroundings. Just like Philip Levine's body of works, Rodriguez writes about the working-class Detroit and the motif of the heartland. Rodriguez's songs are timeless and insightful. They are about drugs, love, lust, power, human frailty, greed, the rich and poor, the cry of children, the oppressed and the oppressor. No wonder that his music made him as popular if not more popular than Elvis, Dylan, and the Beatles put together in places such as South Africa and Australia. Rodriguez is the true example of the man who is not recognized by his own people but is made hero in another culture or beyond his own borders. He is a genius. A giant. A superhero anywhere else but his own country.

Thanks to Steven Sergeman and the South African fans!

Thanks to Malik Bendjelloul for Searching for Sugar Man!

The PDF copy of this ebook is available below:

Book Review

"Sixto Diaz Rodriguez’s Philosophy: Rodriguez’s eBook Guide to Happiness" is about the man, the legend, and the genius who was not aware of his Rock and Roll fame in other parts of the world. It is about Jesus Rodriguez. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez, the folk musician from Detroit, Michigan who has been given a rebirth thanks to the efforts of two South Africans who launched a search party to find out what happened to their favorite singer and song-writer. Rodriguez, as he prefers to be called now, produced two albums, Cold Fact and Coming From Reality, respectively in 1971 and 1972. They received rave reviews, but they did not sell enough copies. Bootleggers managed to take copies to South Africa and Australia where Rodriguez has had a huge following. He did not know about his popularity on those shores. He was busy demolishing and remodeling homes in the United States to make a living. Music was not paying his bills. The release of this movie/documentary "Searching for Sugar Man" was going to change. As they say, the rest is music history!

Category:Rodriguez's Rise to Rock and Roll -- posted at: 3:38pm PDT

"Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Dlo Nan Je – Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without Tears" is written to simplify the teaching and learning of Haitian Creole and English. This book / ebook will provide you with ready-to-use expressions and phrases in both languages. It will get you familiar with the structures and phraseology of both Haitian Creole and English. Those who want to vacation in Haiti and the United States will find context-based dialogues and conversations. Short-term missionaries, vacationers, and volunteers will enjoy the tools and supplies section of the book.

Listen to a Free Sample audio of this ebook right here:Sample Audio of "Ann Pale Kreyol san Dlo nan Je.

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You can purchase a copy of this ebook right on this page on KDP now

Purchase a PDF Copy of "Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Dlo Nan Je – Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without Tears"

Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Traka; Let’s Speak Haitian Creole and English without any Puzzles; Ann Pale Kreyòl san Tèt Chaje; Ann Pale Kreyòl ak Anglè san Kè Sere; Let’s Speak HC and English without a Tightened Heart

Find additional information at,, and

Category:Ann Pale Kreyol Audio - Parlons le Creole -- posted at: 1:30pm PDT

The Acappella/Audio Version of "Le Cri de Mon Ame..." and Some of the Favorite Sunday Morning and Evening Praise and Worship Hymns

Le cri de mon âme

S'élève vers toi.

Elle te réclame,

Jésus, pour son Roi.

Ton joug est facile,

Ton fardeau léger;

Sur mon coeur docile

Règne, ô bon berger!

Trop longtemps, le monde

trompat mes désirs.

Changeants comme l'onde

Sont tous ses plaisirs.

Sa joie est frivole,

Tout est vanité;

Seule, ta parole est la vérité.

Parole éternelle,

O Chirst rédempteur,

Prends moi sous ton aile,

Habite en mon coeur.

Dans la nuit profonde,

Tiens moi par la main;

Lumière du monde,

Luis sur mon chemin

Source de l'eau vive,

Pain venu des cieux,

Que par toi je vive

Paisible et joyeux!

Quand luira l'aurore

Du jour éternel,

Que je vive encore

Pour toi, dans le ciel!

(Chant d'Esperance Hymn as compiled by Youth Pastor Marcel Dubois in "Most Favorite Sunday Morning and Evening Services Songs)

Find copies of the ebook Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life with this link

Purchase a soft cover copy of "Sing, Chantez, Canten, Chante: Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life.." now

The Most Popular French and Haitian Creole Hymns Sung on Sunday Morning and Evening Services According to


Choir Director and Pastor Marcel Dubois' most recent project culminates in the compilation of the most popular hymns sung by Haitian / American / French churches during Sunday morning and evening services. He wants to thank all the ministers, faithful, and music directors of these churches and congregations that had sent their programs to him for the duration of this project. They believed in this project. And they wanted to see its success. Pastor Dubois hopes that this compilation is going to benefit many church members. Just like you, he believes in the power of music to help you praise and worship God.

Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange -- posted at: 10:11am PDT

Find copies of the ebook Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life with this link

Purchase a soft cover copy of "Sing, Chantez, Canten, Chante: Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life.." now

The Most Popular French and Haitian Creole Hymns Sung on Sunday Morning and Evening Services According to


Choir Director and Pastor Marcel Dubois' most recent project culminates in the compilation of the most popular hymns sung by Haitian / American / French churches during Sunday morning and evening services. He wants to thank all the ministers, faithful, and music directors of these churches and congregations that had sent their programs to him for the duration of this project. They believed in this project. And they wanted to see its success. Pastor Dubois hopes that this compilation is going to benefit many church members. Just like you, he believes in the power of music to help you praise and worship God.

Category:Church Hymns and Children's Choruses -- posted at: 11:37am PDT

Learn French Online for Free:  A Beginner's Audio Guide to French Expressions, Phrases, and Vocabulary

Excerpt from "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais..."

Basic Free French for Beginners: A Beginner’s Audio Guide To French Expressions, Phrases, and Vocabulary:

=== ++++

Bonjour Mademoiselle – Good morning Miss

Bonjour Monsieur … – Hello Sir or Mr….

Salut – Hi

Bonsoir Mesdemoiselles et Messieurs – Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen

Répétez - Repeat

Bonjour Madame - Good morning Ma’am

Bonjour Monsieur – Hello Sir

Salut – Hi

Bonsoir Monsieur – Good evening Sir

Bonjour Mademoiselle – Good morning Miss

Bonsoir Madame – Good evening Ma’am

++++ =====

French Introduction: Let's learn how to introduce ourselves in French

First, learn the question words in French

Comment – How

Combien – How much or how many

Qui – Who

Quoi – What

Quel / quelle + noun = which + noun?

Pourquoi – Why (Parceque – because)

Lequel / laquelle – which

Où – Where


Bonjour. Je suis Adam – Hello. My name is Adam (*** in Quebec, people use Bonjour / salut – hello when taking leave of each other***)

Bonjour Adam. Je m’appelle. Hello Adam. My name is Greg

Verb “S’appeler” – To call, to be called. Let’s conjugage:

Je m’appelle, tu t’appelles, il/elle s’appelle, Nous nous appelons, vous vous appelez, ils/elles s’appelent .(My name is… your name is…, his/her name is…etc)

Verb “To be – Être”

Let’s conjugate: Je suis, tu es, il/elle est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils/elles sont ( I am, you are, he/she is, we are, you are, they are).

Qui est dans la classe? Who is in the classroom?

Qui êtes-vous? Nous sommes des étudiants (Who are you? We are students)

Qui est dans le salon? Who is in the living room?

Où habitez-vous? J’habite dans un château – Where do you live? I live in a castle

Où allez-vous? Je vais à l’université – Where are you going? I am going to the university

D’où venez-vous? Je viens du Canada – Where are you from? I am from Canada

De quell pays êtes-vous citoyen? Allemagne. Je suis allemand. – Which country are you a citizen of? Germany. I am german.

Avez-vous une grande maison en Afrique? Oui. – Do you have a big house in Africa? Of course.

Pourquoi posez-vous cette question bête? Les africains vivent aussi dans de grandes villes – Why do you ask this silly question? Africans live in big cities too.

Je m’excuse – Pardon

++++++ =====++++++

Dialogues et Conversations

Adam: Greg, êtes-vous canadien?

Greg: Non. Je suis américain

Adam: Moi, Je suis français et Suisse

Greg: Adam, tu es donc biculturel

Adam: Mon père est français. Ma mere est Suisse

Greg: Je suis des Ėtats-unis, plus précisement, de la ville de Chicago

Adam: Je suis de New York, New Yorkais 100%.

Greg: Mon camarade de chambre (roommate) est anglais

Adam: J’ai un ami cubain (Cuban friend). Et vous, avez-vous un ami?

Greg: J’ai un ami chinois (Chinese friend)

Verb “To have – Avoir.” Let’s conjugate: Avoir

J’ai, tu as, il/elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont (I have, you have, he/she has, we have, you have, they have)

Adam: Qu’est-ce que tu as dans ta voiture?

Greg: J’ai une baguette dans ma voiture.

Adam: J’ai grand faim (I am very hungry)

Greg: J’ai aussi du fromage (cheese), des raisins (grapes), trois oranges, deux pommes (apples), une bouteille d’eau minérale (mineral water) et deux verres (glasses)

Adam: Pourquoi pas de vin rouge et blanc? (Why not red and white wine)

Greg: Mais tu m'as dit que tu as faim. Tu as besoin de quelque chose à manger

Adam: Bien. Merci. J’ai assez de chocolat pour deux personnes. C’est pour le desert.

Greg: Le pique-nique est prêt. On peut s’assoir à l’ombre de ce manguier (mango tree shade)

Après le pique-nique, Adam et Greg répassaient les différentes façons de dire ‘au revoir, good bye.’

Adam: Au revoir (bye, goodbye)

Greg: Adieu (goodbye)

Adam: Á bientôt (See you soon)

Greg: Á la prochaine (until next time)

Adam: Á demain (see you tomorrow)

Greg: Ciao (Italian for au revoir, bye)

Adam: Á plus tard (see you later)

Greg: Á tout à l’heure (see you soon)

Adam: Bonne fin de semaine ( Have a good weekend)

Greg: Bon week-end

Adam: Bonne journée – Have a good day

Greg: Bonne nuit (Good night, used only when going to bed)

French goodbyes never end…Dire au revoir en francais ne termine jamais! (Les adieux ne terminent jamais en Francais)

Free French for London Olympic Games:  Learn the names of sports and how to have a brief conversation or dialogue

Quel sport faites-vous?

Notes: The verb (Faire, to do or to make) can be used to answer this question: Quel sport faites-vous?

Je fais – du baseball, du football, du golf, du tennis, du soccer, du hockey, du hockey sur gazon, du ballon-balai (broomball), du basketball, du judo, du karate, du ski alpin (alpine skiing), du ski de randonnée ou du ski de fond (cross-country skiing), du canotage (canoeing), du patinage (skating), du cyclisme (cycling), du squash (racquetball), du jogging Je fais – de la natation (swimming), de la boxe, de la lute, de la plongée sous-marine, de la voile, de la plance à voile (windsurfing), de la gymnastique, de la course à pied (running), de l’équitation (horseback riding), de l’alpinisme (mountaineering).

French for the London Olympic Games (London Olympics) – Le Français pour les Jeux Olympiques de Londres

Vocabulaire Important – Important Vocabulary:

Les jeux olympiques de Londres de 2012 – 2012 London Olympics

La cérémonie d’ouverture – The opening ceremony

La cérémonie de cloture – The closing ceremony

Les jeux de Londres – the London games

L’arrivée de la flamme olympique – the arrival of the olympic torch

Le relais de la flamme olympique – the Olympic torch relay

Le stade olympique – the olympic stadium

Un (une) athlète – An athlete, an Olympian, a runner

Une course – a race

Une épreuve – an event

L’épreuve de… - The …event. Exemple: L’épreuve de kayak – the canoeing event p>Emporter la médaille d’or – to win the gold medalEmporter la médaille d’argent – To win the silver medal

Emporter la médaille de bronze – to win the bronze medal

You can now learn french by listening to it online at or on

First, you need to purchase a copy of the ebook "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Français - French Lesson MP3 Conversations - Free French MP3 Dialogue Downloads" which you can find on Amazon Kindle now.

Find a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais - French Lesson MP3 Conversations - Free French MP3 Dialogue Downloads" at Barnes and Noble as a nookbook now.

You can buy a copy of "Learn French MP3 Dialogues - Dialogues MP3 Francais..." at too!

Category:Listen to Audio Stories for Adults -- posted at: 2:03am PDT

Marcel D. Dubois's Most Popular, Most Sung Hymns Compilation

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Purchase a copy of "Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life..." from AmazonKindle now

Book Review:

"Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life For Your e-readers: Haitian/Canadian /American/French Churches’ Most Sung Hymns On Sunday Morning and Evening Services - Chants D’Espérance Français et Créoles for your e-readers" is a labor of love compiled by Youth Pastor and Choir Director, Marcel D. Dubois, who worked with many churches and Christian brothers and sisters from Boston to New York, from Haiti to Canada, from the Caribbean region to France and elsewhere. He wants to thank each one of you for sending your Sunday morning and evening programs to him. Thanks to your contributions, he has been able to come up with the most popular, the most sung hymns from the Chants d'Esperance Francais and Creoles. This book is for you. He hopes you can use it to praise and worship HIM!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Purchase a copy of "Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life..." from AmazonKindle now

If you want to contribute to this survey, you can leave your feedback and comments below. "Tell us which hymn is the most sung on Sunday morning or evening services. Tell us Why"

Choir Director Marcel Dubois would like to find out.

Category:Worship and Praise - Adoration et Louange -- posted at: 1:29am PDT

Disc ID: 3064

Disc Name: Haitian Chants of Hope Buy Now From CCNow



Disc ID: 3068 Disc Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Church Choruses Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 3122 Disc Name: Learn Haitian Creole in one Week CD Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 3133 Disc Name: Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol CD - Ann Pale Kreyol Audio Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 4291 Disc Name: Most Popular Haitian Church Choruses and Hymns Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 6068 Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audio Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 6069 Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2 - Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 6363 Disc Name: Top Haitian Creole/Spanish/English Multilingual CD Buy Now From CCNow or


Disc ID: 6365 Disc Name: Your Selected Haitian Creole and French Songs Buy Now From CCNow or

Category:Church Hymns and Children's Choruses -- posted at: 7:12am PDT

Purchase a copy of "Rosa Parks's Magic Farm Adventures (A Fast-paced, fictional account of her Early Life and Childhood) as an Epub ebook now

Get it on your Kindle Fire or iPad: Purchase a copy of "Rosa Park's Magic Farm Adventures" as a Kindle ebook from AmazonKindle now

Purchase a copy of "Rosa Parks's Magic Farm Adventures" as a Nook Book eBook from Barnes and Noble now

Purchase this ebook right on

You can buy this great fictional story right on this site

Category:Selfpublishing Children's Literature -- posted at: 7:58am PDT



Traduzcan /Translate/Tradwi/Traduisez



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